Getting a flu shot gets easier every year. There was a time when you could only get one with a doctor’s appointment. Then emergency clinics got them, then pharmacies, and now you don’t even have to leave your car. You don’t have to speak English, either. The Idaho Immunization Coalition is partnering with Idaho State University’s L.S. Skaggs College of Pharmacy, St. Luke’s Medical Centers and the Boise Mexican Consulate to host a drive-through flu vaccine clinic. If you’re reading this, you’re either eligible to get a shot or you’re very academically advanced for someone under six months old. The clinic is this Saturday, September 30th, from 10am to 2pm in the Mexican Consulate’s parking lot at 701 Morrison Knudsen Plaza Lane. When applicable, insurance will be billed. Otherwise, the vaccines are available at no cost, regardless of your income or lack thereof. The vaccines will be distributed (stuck into your arm) by Idaho State University pharmacy students and bilingual medical experts. They’ll also answer questions about the vaccines and the process. And it’s a drive-through clinic, so you don’t have to leave your vehicle. You do have to stop, though. Also, according to the coalition, anyone receiving the vaccine will get a 25-dollar gift card while they last. They don’t mention where the gift cards are good or how many they have, so if you’re curious, you might want to get there closer to 10am than 2pm. Wear a short-sleeved or at least loose-fitting shirt, and bring your vaccine card, if you have one. On a side note, if you happen to be anti-vaccines, you will still be welcome and treated with respect, and unlike a recent bilingual clinic in a neighboring state, you will not be required to park in a lot marked “gilipollas”.