Dangerous Horse Virus Found in Canyon County

Canyon County (670 KBOI News) – The Idaho State Department of Agriculture is putting out the warning to horse owners, about a potentially deadly virus found in a Canyon County horse.

Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) poses no danger to humans, but it is particularly dangerous to horses.

Chanel Tewalt with the Department of Ag says it’s a blood-borne disease that can be spread by insects, and once a horse has it, they have it for life.

A horse in Canyon County just returned from an event in Washington last month, and tested positive for EIA.  It’s is under quarantine.

“Once we have an EIA confirmation, horses under state law, have very strict requirements, including isolation from other horses for the life of the animal,” said Tewalt.

Tewalt says that’s why it’s imperative you have your veterinarian check out your horses at least once a year.

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