More information was released on Glenns Ferry High School teacher accused of sexual exploitation of a child


More information was released Thursday about the arrest of a Glenns Ferry High School teacher accused of sexual exploitation of a child.

Police say Charles Ramsay is accused of having two DVDs containing child pornography. According to police, the girls were 15 and 16 at the time they were recorded.

Court documents show the school resource officer requested a drug detection K9 to sweep the school parking lot. KBOI-2-TV reports, the dog alerted at or near Ramsey’s car. Police didn’t find any drugs but say they did find child pornography.

Police learned more during the course of their investigation. They found 34 pictures of two current female students on his school computers and a map with directions to one girl’s home.

At this point Ramsey is only charged for the alleged child pornography.