“Safety” First?

When "safety" is the lead argument, but not the true argument.

Schools always want more money. Hey, who doesn't. When it comes to the schools wanting more, they have to ask their community. Meridian School District has, in my opinion, been creative with coming up with ideas for suplimental revenue streams. Considering school bus advertising comes to mind. Another idea already in play is leasing property for cell phone towers. Already done in 4 district schools using or blending with existing structures, a proposal to add another 100ft tower at an Eagle elementary school has come with concerns. Asthetics and safety.

Some are concerned with the radio frequency (RF) emitted by the towers and what effect they'll have on the kids playing below them. The American Cancer Society hasn't ruled them as a "carcinogen". It is a real concern and one that should be researched thoroughly. It isn't the "real" concern of the community.

The community doesn't want to see the tower. They'll use their cell phones and wireless internet hookups, but some are under the assumption that this technology is "magic". Make an argument about decreasing home values and I'll listen.

Bravo to the district on coming up with ways to suppliment funds. To the community, be real. Safety isn't your concern. Looks are your concern. Value is your concern. Argue the real reason.