Campaign-fund spending questions for former Boise City Councilmember Lisa Sanchez

photo courtesy: Facebook

Former Boise City Councilmember Lisa Sánchez is answering some tough questions about her campaign-fund spending.

The Idaho Press reports Sanchez spent over $14,000 of campaign funds in 2022, a non-election year. None of the other Boise City Councilmembers spent more than $3,400.

The Idaho Press reports there are several anomalies in her spending – including 26% of those funds being spent on food. Sánchez spent almost $705 at Chandlers over two visits, and over $230 at Java Downtown, a coffee shop, with 12 visits.

Sánchez is no stranger to questions about her campaign finance. In 2021, BoiseDev reported she repaid more than $200 in personal expenses charged to her campaign. At the time, she had spent money on personal meals, a car wash and tickets to the Idaho Shakespeare Festival.