Guardsman is awarded Idaho’s highest military honor

A Sergeant with the Idaho Air National Guard receives the state’s highest military honor, but not for something he did overseas.  Staff Sergeant David Jensen is credited with saving the life of a man who was badly hurt in a car crash on Idaho Highway 51 last summer.

Idaho Cross

SSGT David Jensen (middle) receives the Idaho Cross from Gov. Otter (left)

“He determined that blood loss was probably the biggest threat to the individual’s life, he treated those wounds, reduced the amount of blood loss, stabilized the patient, until a higher echelon of care could arrive,” said Major Chris Border, spokesman for the Idaho Nation Guard.

MAJ Borders says the types of training members of the Guard undergo pays off for Idaho’s hometowns…be it firefighting, floods, or just being there when help is needed.  Governor Otter awarded the Idaho Cross to Sergeant Jensen in a ceremony at the Capitol Tuesday.